Saturday, April 28, 2007

Moday 23,2007

Hello everyone I am Bobbi Walters your daily blogger for today. In Technology class this morning we finished up on our podcasts so we can present them to the class tomorrow. The podcasts could be on any subject. I picked CMT's Country music awards ceromony. There are many other topics including: lady's volunteer Tennessee Basketball, techology, pigions, sign language, softball, and many other cool ones.
Today we also have a track meet in Pierce at noon. We are taking many track stars to paricipate. Many will be competting in the maximuim of 3 events. Good Luck O'Neill JH track Team!
A new piece of technology comming out is iphone. This amazing piece of technology has three products in one. Having a Widescreen ipod, Revolutionary phone, and Breakthrough internet device.This new iphone is all touch screen.

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