Tuesday, December 12, 2006

12/12/2006 by: Anahi

Well today at technology class we talked about our "iMovies"
iMovies are kind of fun, because you can teach other people about history.
For our iMovies we get 2 grades one for our Technology teacher and the other one for our History teacher.
Right now we were just picking our topics, and talking about our scripts.
Well thats about if for our technology class

In the real world;
Last week the "Roboexotica" festival of "cocktail robots" took place in Vienna, Austria. Around 35 robots mixed cocktails
Winner in the Cocktail Mixing category was the External Combustion Machine that mixes drinks through a recycled fuel injector from a Ford car
The Cocktail Serving award was won by the flamethrower-toting El Espanol Borracho - it apparently makes a mean flaming Spanish Coffee.


well thats about it.

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