Samsung Galaxy S8 Review: The Ultimate Smartphone?
In this vedeo you will see a full review of Samsung Galaxy S8 , so have a
nice watch :) ...
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
12-20-06 Paige
Today in class we worked on our Imovie. My group and I are working on Blackbeard the Pirate. I learned alot about him that I never knew. Blackbeard was a famous pirate. We acted out a skit! My technology choice is an article from that talked about how technology makes life alot easier! They talked about how parents should be watching out for their kids. Technology is now a nice way to entain yourself! This article said they worry about kids and their little techno-toys! They said that technology's Myspace is just like hanging out with a neighbor. And instant messaging is meaningful communication. They said telivisions and computer screens shouldn't be put infront of kids intell they are somewhere older than 3-7 years old. Cell phones, computers, Ipods, etc. are far down the list from things to worry about kids. They also mentioned that the Internet is a big invention and that it is hard to measure such things in present tense!
Last Assignment by Ashlea
this quarter has been great i learned so much, and the best part is that i get to be smarter than my mom for a change since she is a teacher, and an adult, but she actually asks me what to do and i laugh then i help her if i don't want to be grounded. haha well i really liked this class and i would love to learn more about the mac books, and almost anything else related to technology, the fun stuff though. well this is all i think i have to go eat some lunch, well i just wanted to say thanks mrs.morrow for having the pactience to teach all of us kids. bye from ashlea
Dustin Blog Post
Today December 20th, 2006 we finished our iMovie projects. Josh, Alejandro, and Myself did ours on the Spies of the Revolution. We had to make a storyboard, and a script because those are 2 of the 3 grades we are getting for this project. Today is our last day in this quater class, Technology Trends.
The Sony PS3 can either have 20 gigabytes or 60 gigabytes. 20 gigabytes costs around $500 online. 60 gigabytes costs roughly $600.
The Sony PS3 can either have 20 gigabytes or 60 gigabytes. 20 gigabytes costs around $500 online. 60 gigabytes costs roughly $600.
Josh Blog Post
Yesterday in Technology Class we started our iMovies. Alejandro, Dustin and I are doing ours on the Spies of the Revolution. We should be done in plenty of time.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Wednesday December 13, 2006 by: Nathan
Today in class we worked on our imovie research and scripts. Blake was gone so I didn't have to do much. TECHNOLOGY IN THE REAL WORLD- the technology that I'm going to talk about is the new ipod remodeled. The new ipod nano is now available in 2gb, 4gb, and 8gb. They hold 2,000 songs and are available in 5 colors- black, silver, fuschia, lime, and turquoise. They hold 25,000 photos and play audiobooks and podcasts. They have 24 hours of battery life. It is still 99 cents for a song and they also made it 40% brighter. It is a slimmer design it is .26 thin, the lengh is 3.5, and the width is 1.6 all measurements are in inches. SOURCES:
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
12/12/2006 by: Anahi
Well today at technology class we talked about our "iMovies"
iMovies are kind of fun, because you can teach other people about history.
For our iMovies we get 2 grades one for our Technology teacher and the other one for our History teacher.
Right now we were just picking our topics, and talking about our scripts.
Well thats about if for our technology class
In the real world;
Last week the "Roboexotica" festival of "cocktail robots" took place in Vienna, Austria. Around 35 robots mixed cocktails
Winner in the Cocktail Mixing category was the External Combustion Machine that mixes drinks through a recycled fuel injector from a Ford car
The Cocktail Serving award was won by the flamethrower-toting El Espanol Borracho - it apparently makes a mean flaming Spanish Coffee.
well thats about it.
iMovies are kind of fun, because you can teach other people about history.
For our iMovies we get 2 grades one for our Technology teacher and the other one for our History teacher.
Right now we were just picking our topics, and talking about our scripts.
Well thats about if for our technology class
In the real world;
Last week the "Roboexotica" festival of "cocktail robots" took place in Vienna, Austria. Around 35 robots mixed cocktails
Winner in the Cocktail Mixing category was the External Combustion Machine that mixes drinks through a recycled fuel injector from a Ford car
The Cocktail Serving award was won by the flamethrower-toting El Espanol Borracho - it apparently makes a mean flaming Spanish Coffee.
well thats about it.
12/12/06 By Emily
Today we are talking about starrting out imovie. We just fineshed our podcasts i did mine about llamas. We are making ou scrips for out imovie my partner kelcey and I are doing salem witchcraft trials and we have discoverd that it is very interesting. Mrs.Morrow talked to the class about what we could do in imovie we could do a blue screen and replace the screen with a diffrent back ground like u could be in a winter wonder land with shorts on. Now for my current event China is putting a band on some of there most popular games because of crud religous movements.
By Emily K.
By Emily K.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Tuesday December 5th by Sam
Hey it's me Sam again telling you whats going on in the Technology world, The Real world, and in Technoogy class. I'll start with Technology class first. Well today all we really did was work on our podcast. Some of us added in music and pictures to our podcast, while others tried to finish up. Those who got done with their podcast worked on their imovie project by researching their topic that they have picked. In the Real world, or I geuss you could just say school, we had a Science test. Lately in History we have been studying about how America became independant from England. Honestly I find it quite interesting to learn about America's history. In the Technology world I found out that Nike and Apple computer worked together to form a sports kit. This sports kit is an ipod that goes in your shoe. It tells you the speed that you re going, how many caleries you have burned, and the distance you have gone. Researchers are afraid that thieves or stalkers could track you down with this device. They are now saying that it is safe now. Until next time, Sammi Hammi.
by Carl
I read that the president George W Bush is going to try and make enough money to set up a base on the moon in 2020. 2024 it'll be done. They lost 6 people . They say that they are ready to set one up on mars. For every expedition to the moon it caused $124Bn. They astronauts are scared that bushes plan wil interfer.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Monday, December 4, 2006 by Daniel
Today in class we had to go to the library and Mrs.Morrow was talking about an imovie about history.And she said to pick a topic that we would like to work on and then she said we could get in groups of three. So me and matt moloun picked the first submarine ever made. then mrs morrow said that we could research on the computer and print information?
Hello everyone I am going to talk to you about last friday. Well on friday we finished up our podcast about whatever we wanted to make it on. Like I did mine on golf because everyone knows I love to play it. But a lot of people did other sports and other things that they like to do. Making a podcast is a lot of fun if you know how to use it, otherwize it can be difficult.
The technology I found on the internet was that kids are getting vilent video games that either show killing, cursing, and shows bad things about girls and boys. Some of these games are "Medal of Honor" and "Need for Speed Underground." So if you are not over the age 17 I would not play these games. Well this is Blake from Nebraska saying so long. This was posted on 12/5/06.
The technology I found on the internet was that kids are getting vilent video games that either show killing, cursing, and shows bad things about girls and boys. Some of these games are "Medal of Honor" and "Need for Speed Underground." So if you are not over the age 17 I would not play these games. Well this is Blake from Nebraska saying so long. This was posted on 12/5/06.
Friday, December 1st

It's Finally Friday!! Friday December, 1st. Today in Technology Class we are working on our podcasts. Some of our podcast's topics are on baking cookies, taking care of your hair, and how to shop! We are using Garageband to record our podcasts, and we will be publishing them using Itunes.
In other news, The Japan Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers wants videos, posted on the popular video site "YouTube" to be checked before they are published. Daily over 100 million videos are watched on "YouTube." Last month alone 30,000 videos were taken off "YouTube" at the request of the Japanese entertainment group. YouTube's policy has always said that it will remove any copyrighted material upon request. The Japanese group has written to YouTube asking for a screening system for all the video clips that are going to be uploaded. Other measures such as posting messages in Japanese about "illegal uploads." The group also wants the YouTube uploaders to register their details and even face bans if they violate copyright. YouTube, owned by the popular search engine Google, has negotiated with some major copyright holders, and they've reached an agreement, that will let YouTube post copyrighted music videos and other videos in exchange for advertising. YouTube has licensing deals with CBS, Warner Music, Universal Music Group, and Sony BMG Music Entertainment.
(information found at:
Well thats all for now!
Monday Decemeber,4 by kelcey
Friday we worked on our podcasts that we have to do about something. Alot of people are recording their voices now. Some of the people that have their voices recorded are asking questions about their topic to other classmates.
My news aritcle is about the playstaiton 3 costs $599 to $499. when you buy the new playstation 3 it will not come with a memory card so you have to have one. well that is all for today i guess i talk to you later
My news aritcle is about the playstaiton 3 costs $599 to $499. when you buy the new playstation 3 it will not come with a memory card so you have to have one. well that is all for today i guess i talk to you later
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, by Mrs. Morrow
I'll start with my current event in technology. Many of you may have played "Bejeweled" or "Bookworm" on the Palm last year. This article : is about the creators of these two palm games called "Casual Games." I have also heard recently that these same games can be downloaded to video ipods... for a fee, of course. That is what the article is about... simple, easy-working, stress-relieving games that you can play on portable electronics. The article said how successful they are recently, and the company said that it is because they don't get stuck on fancy graphics or sounds, but rather focus on a game that works and plays well. I know that even I love a good old fashioned game of Tetris every once in awhile to relieve stress!
Last Wednesday in class we were able to tie up several loose ends, starting with the remainder of our presentations about "Technology in the Real World." I learned some neat things-- from that handy doodad that UPS guys carry around to an amazing assistive technology device that Kelcey's mom uses to help her get around. I also learned about a brand of Twinkie-like cakes and stuff in Mexico that Anahi's brother drives truck for. Andrew, Matt, and Ashley all still need to share their Powerpoints and those will be due next FRIDAY.
We had a little bit of time to actually work on whatever we chose, as we will not start producing our podcast productions until Monday after Thanksgiving. I am excited to see what topics students choose for their first podcasts and ready for them to once again amaze me with their creativity and quick-learning in Garage Band.
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving Break! Only 3 1/2 weeks until Christmas!
Last Wednesday in class we were able to tie up several loose ends, starting with the remainder of our presentations about "Technology in the Real World." I learned some neat things-- from that handy doodad that UPS guys carry around to an amazing assistive technology device that Kelcey's mom uses to help her get around. I also learned about a brand of Twinkie-like cakes and stuff in Mexico that Anahi's brother drives truck for. Andrew, Matt, and Ashley all still need to share their Powerpoints and those will be due next FRIDAY.
We had a little bit of time to actually work on whatever we chose, as we will not start producing our podcast productions until Monday after Thanksgiving. I am excited to see what topics students choose for their first podcasts and ready for them to once again amaze me with their creativity and quick-learning in Garage Band.
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving Break! Only 3 1/2 weeks until Christmas!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, by Mrs. Morrow
Today we spent the first half of class putting the finishing touches on our PowerPoint presentations entitled, "Technology in the Real World." I was happy that most of the students chose some interesting people to interview. We had a variety of professions, from teachers to the medical profession, from agriculture to office workers. Students began sharing their presentations to the rest of the class. I could see good design principles put to use such as: similar color schemes and background templates to give the presentation consistency, no more than 4 colors per slide, keeping bulleted text short and simple (not writing too much text on a slide), and using transitions and animations with purpose. I want to encourage the students not to read their slides word-for-word, but rather, to add in personal insight and added information with a relaxed, informative quality to the speaking. No one really did anything more than was asked in the project. But we still have about half of the class to view tomorrow, so maybe someone will still impress me!
I'll tell you one thing that DID impress me... it was the patriotic collages that the class created and shared at the Veteran's Day program last week. Very Cool!! Here is Sam's just to give you a sample of the creative work the 8th graders are doing.

For our second time around the class for the blog post assignment, the students will still be required to write about what they learned during that day's class, as well as any outside information that they care to share. However, they will also be required to reposrt on one current event in the field of technology. They can get the information from the news and radio around them or they can choose to do some internet research. I have bookmarked several sites on our class delicious web links at:
My choice of current event technology article for today can be found at:,127796/article.html
Microsoft's brand-new operating system (OS) named Windows Vista, will be available for consumer purchase on January 30. I saw a demonstration of Vista this past summer and it looked pretty sweet. It is supposed to be the most stable Windows OS thus far and they have been working on releasing it for quite awhile. If you want to buy a new computer now, you may be able to get an upgrade voucher to get it when it comes out. Office Vista is pretty impressive as well... you may be able to find its new features online in a news article as well.
Well, we are mid-way through another quarter of OPS Technology Trends. Mid-term reports are being sent home today and I have to say that this group of 8th graders are doing very well. I look forward to continuing to explore and expand our horizons with the technology trends of today and the future.
I'll tell you one thing that DID impress me... it was the patriotic collages that the class created and shared at the Veteran's Day program last week. Very Cool!! Here is Sam's just to give you a sample of the creative work the 8th graders are doing.

For our second time around the class for the blog post assignment, the students will still be required to write about what they learned during that day's class, as well as any outside information that they care to share. However, they will also be required to reposrt on one current event in the field of technology. They can get the information from the news and radio around them or they can choose to do some internet research. I have bookmarked several sites on our class delicious web links at:
My choice of current event technology article for today can be found at:,127796/article.html
Microsoft's brand-new operating system (OS) named Windows Vista, will be available for consumer purchase on January 30. I saw a demonstration of Vista this past summer and it looked pretty sweet. It is supposed to be the most stable Windows OS thus far and they have been working on releasing it for quite awhile. If you want to buy a new computer now, you may be able to get an upgrade voucher to get it when it comes out. Office Vista is pretty impressive as well... you may be able to find its new features online in a news article as well.
Well, we are mid-way through another quarter of OPS Technology Trends. Mid-term reports are being sent home today and I have to say that this group of 8th graders are doing very well. I look forward to continuing to explore and expand our horizons with the technology trends of today and the future.
Matt's Blog about Monday, Nov. 20
Yesterday we were in the highschool library for technoligy trends class. We talked about podcasts and how we were going to make them later in the quarter. Then we looked at ones made by other kids from last quarter. We also talked about showing our powerpoints about technoligy in the real world. Thats all folks.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Friday, November 17,2006 by Nathan W.
On Friday, we finished up on our powerpoints in class about the person we interviewed. We put animations and actions to objects on our powerpoints. Over the weekend Nebraska had a bye and Denver played San Diego and lost 35-27. Indianapolis lost to the Cowboys. So for now, So long.
Nathan W.
Nathan W.
Friday, November 17, 2006
november 16 by alejandro vergara
Yesturday we were talking about the kindergarden powerpoints
and mrs. morrow was cheking if we had our interviews done.
We went to a wrestling tournament were 11 towns competed,
and O'neill got 108 points. The only one that got 1st in the O'neill
team was nathen wabs.
and mrs. morrow was cheking if we had our interviews done.
We went to a wrestling tournament were 11 towns competed,
and O'neill got 108 points. The only one that got 1st in the O'neill
team was nathen wabs.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
November 15th by Paige
Yesterday we did powerpoints on someone we interviewed. I interviewed Mr. Gary Hostert. A teacher at OHS. I asked him questions on how he used technology in his life and for his job, Then I took that information and put it into a powerpoint. The other kids also did this. Some interviewed their moms, dads, uncles, aunts and some others. After school I went to basketball practice. Then I went home and did some homework. Well that's all for now!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
November 14, 2006 by Dustin

Today Mrs. Morrow taught us a little bit more about Microsoft Power Point. We started making the power points for the kindergarteners again, because yesterday we were in the library, therefore we couldn't save them. We have to interview someone in the real world that uses technology in their job. I think I will be interviewing my dad, he must use a lot of technology in his job for like the vinyl cutting and all of that. That's pretty much all we did in class, but today we are wrestling at 4:00 pm. Good Luck to all of te wrestling boys!
November 13, 2006 by Ashlea
Today in class we learned what to do and what not to do when you make a power point, then to practice we started to make little power points for the kindergardeners. We were in the library though so we won't have those power points tomorrow, we'll probably have to start over, but thats ok. well I am gonna go make a power point for the little kids bye bye.
by: Ashlea
by: Ashlea
November 13, 2006 by Ashlea
Today in class we learned what to do and what not to do when you make a power point, then to practice we started to make little power points for the kindergardeners. We were in the library though so we won't have those power points tomorrow, we'll probably have to start over, but thats ok. well I am gonna go make a power point for the little kids bye bye.
by: Ashlea
by: Ashlea
Friday, November 10, 2006
Today is finally Friday and we are working on are "photoshop elements" some people are done, and some aren't.
Some other people are using "garage band" and some are finishing "photo elements"
Photo elements is a fun program where you can do fun stuff.
Mrs Morrow is helping Sam with her Macbook,
Some other people are using "garage band" and some are finishing "photo elements"
Photo elements is a fun program where you can do fun stuff.
Mrs Morrow is helping Sam with her Macbook,
Thursday, November 09, 2006
November 8, 2006 by Andrew Knapp
Today in 8th grade Tech Trends we learned about Photoshop Elements and shared some things we learned about our Macbooks.
Then 2 tests and plenty of homework. Outside school we play 21. Me and my friends play fantasy football. I stayed and played longer than the other guys but I practice because we are close to basketball seaeson and i am goin out for basketball and need to be good. there were no good football games on none that i liked anyway. This is Andrew signing out bye.
Then 2 tests and plenty of homework. Outside school we play 21. Me and my friends play fantasy football. I stayed and played longer than the other guys but I practice because we are close to basketball seaeson and i am goin out for basketball and need to be good. there were no good football games on none that i liked anyway. This is Andrew signing out bye.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
November 4,2006 by Josh Hoferer
November 6,2006 By Emily Keyes

Yesterday in technology trend we had to find something new about the Mac books that Mrs didn't teach us. It was really easy because there is so much things that are new to us on the Mac books. There wear a lot of things that we didn't no. It was really fun just adventuring with the Mac books we also learned about a new project that we are doing photo shop elements about patriotism. We got to review some of the projects that fifth graders did they were really great.
Friday, November 03, 2006
November 2 sammi hammi
Today in class some people worked on a commercial, worked on their "Meet my Macbook" worksheet packets, and worked on their comic life (like Josh). The "Meet my Macbook" worksheet packets are supposed to help us learn about things on the Macbook that we didn't know. I think you know about the comic life but I'll tell you anyways. The comic life is a comic book about our life. For example say that you just met some one you should be able to hand them the comic book, without saying a word, and they should be able to see what your into and what some of your charicteristics are like. Anyways what was really fun in class was watching Mrs. Morrow film the commercial. Morgan, the conciler, was helping Nathan, the smart board, and Matt, the chalk board, sort through thier problems with each other. The commercial is based off of a PC vs. Macbook commercial, but we just used a Smart Board vs. Chalk Board theme instead. Mrs. Morrow did this commercial with us and some 5th graders. She is planning on entering it in a competition. See ya around.
sammi hammi
sammi hammi
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
november 1st by daniel dominquez
Today in first period we worked in our comic life and alejandro wanted to go to the restrom burt he forgot his planner and asked daniel d if he coul let him borrow his planner but mrs.morrow said could not it does not work that way. so alejandro had to hold it. And then Mrs.morrow gave us a work sheet package to do at home. When school was over blake,beau,cody,alejandro,tim,and I were playing basketball after school.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
October 31, by Morgan
Happy Halloween Everyone!!! Today in Technology Class we finished learning about Isafe and how to be smart and stay safe while using the internet. We learned about things such as spamming and identity theft, and how to prevent things like this and other things that can happen on the internet from happening to us. We also started a new assignment called "Meet My Macbook." For this assignment we have to answer questions about how our Macbooks work and we also have to find one thing about the Macbook that we didn't know it could do.
Outside of Technology Class today, in American History today, we continued our studies about the colonies and things also happening in England at this time. We also did some Halloween trivia. In English we continued talking about complex sentences, in science we had a vocab test, and in Math we did problem set 37. After school some of the girls had basketball practice, some of the boys had wrestling practice, and everyone else, that's not in a sport, went to P.E.
So I hope everyone had a fun Halloween!! Until next time!! ~Morgan
Oct 30 by Carl
We talk about isave and we compared to canadains. We gave speech about the online stuff. The teacher explaied about the danger on the internet.The things we talked about were Drivers Education, Night Driving-Online Predators, Road Rage, Hich hicking on Highway 411, Traffic jam-Spam, Things you need to know, My Car Won't Start!-viruses, Word up!, Wanna Buy a Car?-Online Scam, Dude wheres my Car?-identity theft, Can I Get a Free Ride?- plagrism.
Oct 30 by Carl
We talk about isave and we compared to canadains. We gave speech about the online stuff
Wed. Oct. 25 Blake
On Wednesday we talked about making a comic life. The comic life means what we like to do when we are not doing anything or it means what we are about in our every day life. The first thing you do is go to the hard drive. Then go to applications and go to comic life. When you are there you then pick a template. Then you can pick either some pictures or you can just write in the templates. After you do all that you can put speech bubbles by your picture or writing. Then you are probably going to be done and you can go to save as. You will be done and you can print it if you want to. Well that is what we did on Wednesday and I had a great time doing that. This is Blake Bauer saying so long everybody!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
October 24,2006 Kelcey
Yesterday in class we learned how to use the comic life that we have to do so the teacher can learn about what we like and what our personality is like. We have to look on the internet for pictures to put into our comic life. Doing the comic life is a lot of fun to do.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Cardinal's win NLCS and will beat the Tiger's
Cardinals beat the Mets 3-1 in game 7 and now play the Detroit Tigers in the World Series. Everybody knows the Cardinals will win but if they don't, o forget it there gonna win. Just ask anyone.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Hello Everyone
Hey this is Dustin Ross. Mrs. Morrow, my display name is D10, my brother calls me that. So how is everyone? This gaggle and blogging isn't that bad I guess.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Welcome to 2nd Quarter!
Just so that our loyal followers understand, we have switched students in honor of 2nd quarter and will also be changing some of the format of our blog posts. So, stay tuned to hear from Q2 Technology Trends at O'Neill High School!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Let's try this again-- Information Literacy
OK, 8th graders. Now that we have had a good lesson on information literacy... including things like MAKING UP FALSE INFORMATION AND PUTTING IT ON THE WEB and POSTING INAPPROPRIATE THINGS ON THE WEB...maybe we should try this assignment again.
What do you think kids should know so that they know how to use the internet?
What do you think kids should know so that they know how to use the internet?
Thursday, October 05, 2006
"If it's on the Internet, it must be true!"
What do you guys have to say about this statement? This morning I want you to start class by reading the following article, located at: Tell me what you think. Are teachers not doing enough to teach you how to evaluate what you find on the web? Check out the "spoof sites" and see if any of them are believable to you. Try the "Steps for Skeptics" with websites you have seen recently. Does it give you more insight into how they were created?
After reading the article, exploring the links, and reflecting on the topic, it is time for you to write about what you think.
Click on Comment and tell me about what you think about kids your age using the Internet and believing too much, or not enough, of what they see. **Make sure you leave your first name (and it wouldn't hurt to spell-check!) so that I can give you credit for this assignment.
See you Monday!
~Mrs. Morrow
After reading the article, exploring the links, and reflecting on the topic, it is time for you to write about what you think.
Click on Comment and tell me about what you think about kids your age using the Internet and believing too much, or not enough, of what they see. **Make sure you leave your first name (and it wouldn't hurt to spell-check!) so that I can give you credit for this assignment.
See you Monday!
~Mrs. Morrow
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
wednesday, october 4, 2006 by revel
we have learend to use garageband, photo booth, safari, itunes, iphoto, and idvd. Right now we learend to make a dockrmenter in itunes.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Monday sep.18
Doesn’t every body love Mondays? Well I don’t but to start of the technology class we had to go to the library we learned about pod cast’s. We have to make a pod cast that is four minutes long we can make it about any thing. After you write your script you go to garage band and record in garage band you can do a hole bunch of cool sound effects. Hope you have a good Monday.
Doesn’t every body love Mondays? Well I don’t but to start of the technology class we had to go to the library we learned about pod cast’s. We have to make a pod cast that is four minutes long we can make it about any thing. After you write your script you go to garage band and record in garage band you can do a hole bunch of cool sound effects. Hope you have a good Monday.
Sidney's Blog! 9-22-06
Today in Technology class was REALLY FUN, because we get the chance o make some AMAZING podcasts! (which are really cool)
You make a podcast on garadgeband, you can have pictures and music and even a self recording!
We are making podcastings from hunting to fall sports, theres some great ones out there on the net already so watch them and enjoy!
You make a podcast on garadgeband, you can have pictures and music and even a self recording!
We are making podcastings from hunting to fall sports, theres some great ones out there on the net already so watch them and enjoy!
sept 20 by brooke
today Mrs. Morrow was gone and Mrs. Smith was the sub. We had to write a scripted and then work on ower podcast. today randy was gone so it was ectremly quite in hear. well thats all for now.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
september 19, By Randy
Today Mrs. Morrow had us start on our podcasts. Podcasts are online broadcasts that just about anyone can make. Sometimes you can find podcasts about news and a good thing about that is if you miss the news on TV or the radio you can still listen to the podcast anytime you want. People also make podcasts where they talk about things they are interested in and other people can listen to them that share the same interest. I’m pretty excited about making my podcast; I’m making mine about drifting. I’m not sure that most people know what drifting is quite yet but hopefully my podcast will inform a few people about drifting.
9/15/06 by Katie
Today was kind of a slow day. We watched the powerpoints people made about Technology in the World. After we all interviewed someone we turned their answers and opinions into a slide show. We watched most of the powerpoints but ran out of time and didnt see all of them. The ones we did get to watch were very interesting to watch and learn about different jobs. I dont think it really occured to all of us how much technology effects our lives today. Well that's pretty much all we did today. Until next time...
~Katie S.
~Katie S.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Thhursday September 14, 2006 by Anthony
Today we are presenting our powerpoint presentations to the class about technology in he real world. We will also be trying to finish the teacher wall today. Today the whole school is taking pictures as a whole class or group im not sure. We are also making short movies about how technology will affect us in twenty years. Well Technology Trends is going well and is fun.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
sep 13/06 By Erin
Today in Technology we were finishing up with staf directory and power points. Are power points were about technology in the real world. Are next power point will dell with social studdies.
Well keep having fun in technology!
Well keep having fun in technology!
Friday, September 08, 2006
Kasey's blog
Today in class we are working on are powerpoints about technology in the real world. We are also working on pages about the teachers at are school. We are going to make pages about what they teach, how long they have taught and some of their hobbies. We are then going to put the pictures on the wall in school so that people will get to know the teachers here. Another thing we are doing is working on another powerpoint on what we think technology will be like in the future.
Friday, September 8th, 2006 by Dillon Jakubowski
Sweet! Our first football game is tommorow. Today we found out that on the dashboard there is alot more options to click on like ESPN, Flight Tracker, Dictionary, Buisness etc. It's acually pretty cool. Well i dont know what else to wright so I think I'm gunna go for now.
Dillon Jakubowski
Dillon Jakubowski
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
9/6/06 Derek
yesterday we worked on the Macbook for a wile and it was fun.robert found a dead bird on the grill of a car,and like usual randy was just being randy
Later we went and did reports on some of the teachers in the high school, I did Gary Hostert, and whane Hesse. So far school has been going good, but like usual it is sometimes boring with all of the home work.
And that is about all that we hav been doing this year.
Later we went and did reports on some of the teachers in the high school, I did Gary Hostert, and whane Hesse. So far school has been going good, but like usual it is sometimes boring with all of the home work.
And that is about all that we hav been doing this year.
Friday, September 01, 2006
9/1/06 Brooke Devall
Today we are going to work on our 90 second movie. We are making music to go with the movie. We are having lots of fun in this class. We like working on our bran new mac books. It is so much fun. The room is filled with weird sounds. Well thats all for now.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Sheila: Friday September 1st, 2006

now here at O'Neill Public Schools, we are getting ready for a huge technology contest. Everyone is working very hard to make it there best! We are very excited to enter the contest called TTL- this years theme is technology in the future. The winner gets to go to Dallas, Texas. we got our gaggle emails today.
Yay I get to write the second Blog for OHS 8 Grade Tech Trends! Alright maybe it is not that exiting for the second person to do it... Well on Tuesday for Football we had our first full pads practice for 8 and 7 grades, was very fun. That was an offence day so tomarrow will be a defence day. School before football practice on Tuesday was boring/normal ( Sorry all teachers), anyway got to go now. Talk to you later.
Sidney's Blog
Today in Tech. Class we learned about how people found new things about the MacBook. Its amazing how people can find little things about these new Mac Books which are REALLY cool!! we took pictures of everything, from funny faces to ourselves. Our class is doing a Technology iMovie for a contest. We have small groups that make a imovie about how computer can be affected in the future. Thanks for reading my blog!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Randys blog
Yay i get the privalage of typing the first blog post! The school just bought us these cool mac laptops (they're soooo white!) We've just started this technology class with Mrs. Morrow and so far i've been using alot of programs and websites that i've never used before. I'm still getting used to using a mac though, all of the programs that im used to using on windows are not on macs. Later in the year we get to make an imovie for technology trends and social studies, killing two birds with one stone, really. Im kind of excited about using imovie because ive never used it before and alot of the programs on macs are easy to use. Well, thats about all!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Welcome to our Class Blog!

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