Samsung Galaxy S8 Review: The Ultimate Smartphone?
In this vedeo you will see a full review of Samsung Galaxy S8 , so have a
nice watch :) ...
Friday, December 14, 2007
Internet Safety PSAs
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Search the Web- Day #3
For our last day of Web Searching Tutorials, this is what you will need to do:
1. "Operators" MicroModule at:
2. "Search Ranks" MicroModule at:
3. "Search Engines" MicroModule at:
4. Write a reply to this blog post about all you have learned this week about Internet Searching. What will you do in the future to produce better web searches?
5. Choice time on the last three days of activities. Any activity that you wish you would have had more time with? Go ahead and spend some more time on the Internet Searching link of your choice.
1. "Operators" MicroModule at:
2. "Search Ranks" MicroModule at:
3. "Search Engines" MicroModule at:
4. Write a reply to this blog post about all you have learned this week about Internet Searching. What will you do in the future to produce better web searches?
5. Choice time on the last three days of activities. Any activity that you wish you would have had more time with? Go ahead and spend some more time on the Internet Searching link of your choice.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Internet Searching Day #2
First, watch the tutorials on searching the web on Atomic Learning. Your teacher will explain to you how to log in at:
Now for your main job today:
1) Queries - MicroModule- Click through the pages at:
2) Complete and hand in the worksheet activity on Queries that your teacher will give to you.
3) Try your hand at what you have learned with at least ONE of each kind of Search Challenges at: and
4)Post a comment to this blog post with SEVERAL SENTENCES about what you have learned about Searching the Web.
Now for your main job today:
1) Queries - MicroModule- Click through the pages at:
2) Complete and hand in the worksheet activity on Queries that your teacher will give to you.
3) Try your hand at what you have learned with at least ONE of each kind of Search Challenges at: and
4)Post a comment to this blog post with SEVERAL SENTENCES about what you have learned about Searching the Web.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Internet Searching Day #1
Good morning, 8th graders!
You have several things to complete today before you work on recording and producing your podcast. Please make sure that you complete them in order and with your best efforts.
1. Internet Search Challenge -
Choose ONE of the activities and see if you can beat it. Note how challenging this simple activity may be as you go through the rest of today's tasks.
2. Search Box Strategy MicroModule -
Click on and read each page (or listen to each page read to you)
3. Word Worksheet - See handout
Complete the activity and hand in to your teacher
4. Blog Comments - Click on Comments (on this post) and leave A FEW SENTENCES on the class blog about what you have learned about using keywords when searching the Internet.
You have several things to complete today before you work on recording and producing your podcast. Please make sure that you complete them in order and with your best efforts.
1. Internet Search Challenge -
Choose ONE of the activities and see if you can beat it. Note how challenging this simple activity may be as you go through the rest of today's tasks.
2. Search Box Strategy MicroModule -
Click on and read each page (or listen to each page read to you)
3. Word Worksheet - See handout
Complete the activity and hand in to your teacher
4. Blog Comments - Click on Comments (on this post) and leave A FEW SENTENCES on the class blog about what you have learned about using keywords when searching the Internet.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Student Viewpoints on... 24/7 Learning
You have been introduced to the power and potential for learning with a MacBook computer. Now, imagine the possibility of having this tool in your backpack 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. What benefits to your learning would this create? What problems, if any, would arise if every student had their own school-issued MacBook. Brainstorm possible projects, learning opportunities, and things that would change if O'Neill adopted a 24/7 Learning Initiative.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
I watched a podcast about the Dog Whisperer and a big sheep dog named snoopy. It was about 3:30. They are all about 3:00 minutes long. i like eggs and the video
spring football for neb
spring football by net is a gret thing to know about if u miss a game and need to cach up on the game some of the ones they have are big 12 champ a couple bowl games would love to listen to this more it also is great for updates that u need to know. on the scale of 1 -10 =9 u should really try this out some time this is one of my fav podcast let me know what u think of it
a new post from Ian
weeeee this is Ian i am talking about the podcast the instance world of warcraft. the talk about the games that is a online rpg with lots of players that go arownd and go on quests. On this podcast they give tips and tricks for the game and tell you some of the new stuff that is going on in the game. they have a lot of podcast a mass of 77 podcasts. I give this group of podcasts a 5 out of 5 but thats just me.
the podcast i watched
Was about canada and what they have in canada like hokey. The band nickleback is from their. The podcast i watched was 4:44 long.It talked about some holidays and what they they do on them.
Podcast review
The podcast that I chose is about football. In the begining of the podcast is making fun of one of the brodcasters because they had lunch with his family. Then they start talkin about Mike Shanahan and the say that he has some dirty tricks. My podcast is audio only. I think I would subscribe to it because its all about sports. I like to hear the latest news about sports.-Conner I.
Angel's Podcast
My podcast is about Husker football. They have made 18 podcasts. The people that host this are Kevin Kugler and Adrian Fiala. What these podcasts bring to us are Big Red Wrap-Ups providing a weekly recap of each Husker football game, including highlights, and in-depth analysis. Former Husker running back Damon Benning joins Kevin Kugler and Adrian Fiala for a talk about the upcoming Husker season. They also talk a little about how the other teams are doing. They also talk about championships and bowl games. They have a new episode once a week. I like to listen to these episodes that they make, because I like the Huskers.
Olivia's Podcast
My podcast was all about how modeles get their make-up done. It showed the artist putting the make-up on them and the models getting their picture taken. Then they showed a magazine with the finished product in it. The pictures were more enhanced, they probably used a program like photoshop or something simaliar. It was all music and video clips, there was no dialouge. It was about 2 minutes long. I checked the dates on all of the podcast submitted by Sephora and most of them were posted on one day, but there were a couple of random ones. I have subscribed to their channel to watch all of their upcoming podcast. On a scale of 1-10 I'd give it a 9.
The podcast I watched.
The podcast I watched was a Seventeen Magazine one. It was about learning how make-up and hair artists did hair and make-up for the models during New York Fashion Week Fall 2007. I liked this podcast because it's all about hair and make-up by my favorite magazine. There are 23 episodes that come have one out each week. These podcasts are hosted by Desi, the beauty editor of Seventeen Magazine. I rate these podcasts a 9 out of a 10!
Michigan Loses
My podcast is about Michigan losing to apalichan state and many other teams and their positives and negatives. My podcast is about 19 min.
Mitch's podcast review
I watched a podcast called "Sounds of the Outback." The podcast was created by Gene bias. Some guy was making sounds of the outback, and it was quite funny. At the end there was a song and it was with the outback sounds. There was only that one podcast.
my podcast reveiw
My podcast is named Party Aert! Labor Day Podcast Party at a Special Time! star wars galexies woth Yivvits and MrBubble! Its about labor day and how its one of the few days that people get off. Then they just joke around. Its really funny. It has a new episode every seven days. Its AWSOME! I'd love to get more episodes. Hope you will like it as much as i did.
Monday, April 30, 2007
30 april
today in technology we are starting to work on our scripts and story board so that we can start working in imovie. everybody had to do the project on history and when we were done we could go and show our history teacher every thing we have done on the project and then you can get extra credit in your american history class we only have 2weeks almost till the school year is over .The junior high track teem is doing great this year i think . i can't wait till we get out because im going to go fishing,camping and go swiming at the pool
In technology today Apple has been very busy with all of thier new products, including the iphone and the apple tv. They are now shipping the apple tvs and phones. In class today we worked on research for our imovies. Along with that we started to make our scripts and site our sources. Today we will be traveling to Ord for a track meet.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Moday 23,2007
Hello everyone I am Bobbi Walters your daily blogger for today. In Technology class this morning we finished up on our podcasts so we can present them to the class tomorrow. The podcasts could be on any subject. I picked CMT's Country music awards ceromony. There are many other topics including: lady's volunteer Tennessee Basketball, techology, pigions, sign language, softball, and many other cool ones.
Today we also have a track meet in Pierce at noon. We are taking many track stars to paricipate. Many will be competting in the maximuim of 3 events. Good Luck O'Neill JH track Team!
A new piece of technology comming out is iphone. This amazing piece of technology has three products in one. Having a Widescreen ipod, Revolutionary phone, and Breakthrough internet device.This new iphone is all touch screen.
Today we also have a track meet in Pierce at noon. We are taking many track stars to paricipate. Many will be competting in the maximuim of 3 events. Good Luck O'Neill JH track Team!
A new piece of technology comming out is iphone. This amazing piece of technology has three products in one. Having a Widescreen ipod, Revolutionary phone, and Breakthrough internet device.This new iphone is all touch screen.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Wensday April 25, 2007 -Jamie
today in technology class we listened to everyones pod-casts. Everyones was really good. well ummm..... outside of technology class the track meet at pierce on monday turned out great for O'Neill. With the bos getting first and the girls getting second. today we have another track meet in Ord. i hope that turns out good as well. Scientist have recently found that there is new planet in the solar system now. they said that life cold maybe live there. so the scientist had to use technology to figure out those kinds of things about it.
Friday, April 20, 2007
TY FRIDAY 4/20/07
Thursday April 19, by taylor
Today we made podcasts, I made mine on adding decimals. We all had to make podcasts, on the choices that we wanted. We also got taught how to record our voice to our podcast. Cho Seung-Hui's tapes that he made about him wanting to kill or (punish) the people at vriginia tech. He killed 33 people including himself. I found this info on the website
Podcast made by
Podcast made by
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Tuesday, April 17
Today we watched movies on podcasting and how to make our podcast in garageband. We didnt watch them all though because were not that far in our podcast show. There is also a track meet today in O'Neill at lunch time. There is a new Mac Pro out with 8 core or quad-core Mac Pro workstation. More than 33 million configureations, with great performance and possibilities. jonathan p.
Monday April 16
well today we started working on our podcast scripts. then we got our computers out and started looking at what we would be working with for our first podcast project. most people are using garage band but some are using other places. new apple iphone is based on a multitouch devise. it is new software that allows you to control everything with a touch of your finger. built in keyboard lets you easily send and receive sms messages. built in keyboard also creates a spell check and automatically corrects your mistakes. ta ta for now
-Tyler new apple iphone is based on a multitouch devise. it is new software that allows you to control everything with a touch of your finger. built in keyboard lets you easily send and receive sms messages. built in keyboard also creates a spell check and automatically corrects your mistakes. ta ta for now
Monday, April 16, 2007
last thusday we just started on the podcast. I learned that it is like a radio on the internet. I learned that people can make any kind of podcast. I learned that it was free. Last week on friday we worked on the script or garageband. I learned that we can look up eclives to look up old podcast. we had a assignment to find a podcast and then fill out the worksheet but we didn't do it because it was taking to long . Today we're finishing our script and working on the imovie, garageband, smartboard.
last thusday we just started on the podcast. I learned that it is like a radio on the internet. I learned that people can make any kind of podcast. I learned that it was free. Last week on friday we worked on the script or garageband. I learned that we can look up eclives to look up old podcast. we had a assignment to find a podcast and then fill out the worksheet but we didn't do it because it was taking to long . Today we're finishing our script and working on the imovie, garageband, smartboard.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
okay, well yesterday im not going to lie to you i was kinda lost. not because we didnt have good direction from mrs.marrow but because i wasnt here the day before and because it seems like everyone in the class knows whats shes talking about. they've all tried it in grade school i guess. So mrs. marrow talked and covered some questions on a worksheet that she passed out at the beginning of class. questions like: what is a podcast? how does it work? what are all the different types of podcasts? then she talked some and showed us some of her other classes work. she told us what they did that she liked and what they could have improved on. Then she gave us the rest of the class to go to Itunes and listen to other podcast from there. Hopefully to give us an idea of what we're going to do for ours, but outside of class everyone is getting more excited as the oneill track meet and getting outta school for a whole day was coming fast. Im not going but everyone that is wont stop talking about it. so i hope you all have fun...
itunes in class
Today we lerned about the program itunes. In itunes you can create a podcast or download podcasts for your ipods to watch any time you want. I watched a few podcasts by other people. A podcast is a radio show over the internet that you can watch any time you want. Later on in the week we are going to create are own podcast.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Thursday,April 5,2007
Today we are presenting the rest of the powerpoints about technology in the real world.When we watched the powerpoints in class we learned about how technology is used in every day life.Today we are geeting out of school because of easter vacation.
Wednesday April 4, 2007
Today most of us finished our power point presantations. About half the class was able to present today. Most of us interveiwed our parents and I think everyone learned alot about the importance of technology in the real world. Track is goin well. Our first Juinor High track meet is nest tuesday after easter break,which im sure everyone is looking forward to. In science we aare doing experiments about absorbing infraredradiation. We are all looking forward to it. Well thats about all that is going on in the O' Neill Public 8th grade class.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
today is the last day for our "tech in the real world"powerpoints and we present tomorrow. in track the top 3 people in shot that would go to the track meet would be jame g, sam h, and amanda z and then me so if some one dose not wont to go i get to go. we only have 8 more weeks left tell school is out for the summer.
Monday, April 02, 2007
monday, April 2nd-Jamie
today in tech trends we just worked on out "Technology in the Real World" power points. Mrs. Morrow also showed us a power point made by zach k. and showed us all this different things you can do in power point. outside of tech class we are now starting in on our 3rd week of track, and i think that everything is going well for everyone. i don't know when our first track meet is but I'm pretty much excited for all the track meets to start because that means we get out of school. we have a lot more kids that joined this year compared to last year, so hopefully that means we can place more or better. tonight i go driving around town with cameron and katie for drivers ed. I'm not too worried about cameron but i think katie might give us a ride that we won't forget...just kidding. well it seems like everyone tells us what we're having for lunch.. so i thought i should be included also.. but the truth is i don't know what we're having for lunch.. but i know it won't be Casey's pizza.
3-30-07 by noah hornback
Today we had a presentation about tech in the real world.
Mr. Mike Fernau talked to us about what he does and about tech in the real world.
He is the news director in Houston TX at 5:00 A.M.
He told us the his job is to make sure that the that you see what they what you to see like weather map.
Before this we had time to work on are powerpoint.
Mr. Mike Fernau talked to us about what he does and about tech in the real world.
He is the news director in Houston TX at 5:00 A.M.
He told us the his job is to make sure that the that you see what they what you to see like weather map.
Before this we had time to work on are powerpoint.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
tech trends
Today in class we learned about how to make a powerpoint perfesionally, one example would be making all your slides the same color and only 6 bullets per page.We learned where to find templates and how to run powerpoint on the mac. After that we stated on our powerpoints, Technology in the Real World. Everyone had to interview an adult about their job and the technology they use in their job. Everyone has differant ideas for their design on their powerpoints.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Tuesdays March 27, 2007
Today we didn't do much. We learned things about google and the searches you can do on it and we listen to Mrs. Morrow talk most of the period.
Monday, March 26, 2007
friday,march 23,2007
Today we didn't really use the computers muchmbut we did a packet on the mac books about computer safety using the internet. Afterwards we got to play big bang board games,it was really fun. We had caseys pizza for lunch today,and it was really good. Today derek hamik, jake miller ,and I drve in drivers ed on friday. Now that is a scary thought.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
March 22 by Jonathan P.
Today we finished our one thing learned speeches. We also checked our meet my macbook packet. Some of the students worked on garage band. We also had free time to do what we want. Today I learned how to change the desktop on my computer and how to get right to the desktop on my computer.
March 20, 2007
On tuesday we messed around in gararge band and handed in our meet your mac book worksheet. We also started track this week whitch is pretty fun. Then we also started doing CAT testing.
by Beau
by Beau
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Ty Rowse 3/20/07
we started garage band if you were done with meet your mac book. we learned the basics of garage band on our own. later that day in PE. we started track. we had pizza for lunch.
Ty Rowse 3/20/07
we started garage band if you were done with meet your mac book. we lerned the basics of garage band on our own. later that day in pe we started track. we had pizza for lunch.
Friday, March 16, 2007
March 16,2007- Bobbi Walters

Today march 16,2007 in Technology class we finished our comic life. When we got done we printed and handed them in. Today we were also given got a meet my Mac Book Packet to fill out. An additional packet,Getting to know your computer, to help us fill out our Meet my MacBook Packet. Outside of class many people are getting there green ready for St.Pats tomorrow. O'Neill has a big celebration that contains of a parade, fun run, husker hoops, and many other activities.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Thursday, March 15, by Taylor
Today I learned how to make a blog on We have been working on our very own comic life in tech trends. We have learned the basics of the mac books. We have learned how to use photo booth, comic life, safari, and how to access files. I have learned how to vew posts at Also as you probably know, our high school has started track, junior high will start track on march 19th. Good luck if you do join track.
my first blog by Jonathan P.
I'am good at powerpoint,exploring the interenet,and working with the camera.
I want to learn and work with the i movie.
I think that the technology in the future will be good and that the cars in the future will be advance.
I want to learn and work with the i movie.
I think that the technology in the future will be good and that the cars in the future will be advance.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
frist blog
I'm good at taking photos.
I wont telrn more about the macbook.
In the future we can sstay home and learn from T.V.
I wont telrn more about the macbook.
In the future we can sstay home and learn from T.V.
my first blog
I am kinda good at typing.
I want to know how to make Imovies.
Computers inside contact lenses.
I want to know how to make Imovies.
Computers inside contact lenses.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
My first blog~Taylor
I think that I am good with tech skills, because i know how to use an ipod, a computer, and the internet.
Tech skills I would want to learn about is how to make podcast.
One prediction for technology in the future is that we will be able to use robots to do our work.
Tech skills I would want to learn about is how to make podcast.
One prediction for technology in the future is that we will be able to use robots to do our work.
My first blog by:Bobbi
1) The Tech skills that I think that i'm good at is powerpoint, photo booth, and searching the web.
2) The Tech skills that I want to learn more about is Imovie and Iweb.
3) The Pridiction for tehnology in the future is that there will be more ordering on the web and even fast foods will be popular.
2) The Tech skills that I want to learn more about is Imovie and Iweb.
3) The Pridiction for tehnology in the future is that there will be more ordering on the web and even fast foods will be popular.
my 1ft blog by noah
I am good at making a power point and using a pc.
How to use a macbook and comic life.
Car will be able to go under water.
How to use a macbook and comic life.
Car will be able to go under water.
My first blog by jason
I'm good at powerpoints, computer basics, and games.
I want to learn more about the computer, more about how your able to do all the things your able to do on the computer.
I predict that the computers will be everywhere and on everything.
I want to learn more about the computer, more about how your able to do all the things your able to do on the computer.
I predict that the computers will be everywhere and on everything.
first blog Haley
1. Some technology that I already am good at include imovie, making websites, and powerpoint
2. Some technology skills that I want to learn more about would be Garage Band and podcasting
3. I think that technology in the future will allow us to be able to beam ourselves over the internet to all your friends to make taveling much faster
2. Some technology skills that I want to learn more about would be Garage Band and podcasting
3. I think that technology in the future will allow us to be able to beam ourselves over the internet to all your friends to make taveling much faster
1st blog.
I think im good with my camera. I wanna learn more about imovies. I predect that technology will be so avanced that the normal household well not be kept up with us ourselves but by a program that fits that household's needs.
1st blog
I think im good with cameras.i want to learn about imovie.i think we are going to make a lot more technology in the future
1st blog
I think im good with cameras.i want to learn about imovie.i think we are going to make a lot more technology in the future
Some tech skills that I am already good at are that I know how to make a powerpoint and I can search the web pretty well.
I would like learn more about digital cameras and all the different things I can do with the pictures.
If I could predict the technology in the future I would have to say that just everyone will have a computer, and they would use it for all their classes because technology will even be more helpful than it is now with all the new programs and stuff.
I would like learn more about digital cameras and all the different things I can do with the pictures.
If I could predict the technology in the future I would have to say that just everyone will have a computer, and they would use it for all their classes because technology will even be more helpful than it is now with all the new programs and stuff.
my frist blog
im good web search ,mico word, and power point
i would wont to know work stuff.
i think we cloud drive flieing car in the future
i would wont to know work stuff.
i think we cloud drive flieing car in the future
my frist blog
im good web search ,mico word, and power point
i would wont to know work stuff.
i think we cloud drive flieing car in the future
i would wont to know work stuff.
i think we cloud drive flieing car in the future
my frist blog
im good web search ,mico word, and power point
i would wont to know work stuff.
i think we cloud drive flieing car in the future
i would wont to know work stuff.
i think we cloud drive flieing car in the future
my frist blog
im good web search ,mico word, and power point
i would wont to know work stuff.
i think we cloud drive flieing car in the future
i would wont to know work stuff.
i think we cloud drive flieing car in the future
the first blog
I can do good powerpoints and movies.
I want to learn more about serching the inet.
you will be able to run more cars with computers.
I want to learn more about serching the inet.
you will be able to run more cars with computers.
My Blog
Well i can search the web and power point well and thats about it.
I would like to learn every thing i dont know.
In the future there will be a computer that you can control with you mind.
I would like to learn every thing i dont know.
In the future there will be a computer that you can control with you mind.
The first blog
I know how to make a powerpoint.
I would like to learn about imovie.
i think in the future there will be computers that have a projector built into them.
I would like to learn about imovie.
i think in the future there will be computers that have a projector built into them.
first blog
1.i feel that i can do what i need to do at school and i can do more at home.
2.the thing that i want to learn the most about is the i movie and the podcasts. the future at the rate that the technology advancements are going now, in teh future the technology will be amazing.
2.the thing that i want to learn the most about is the i movie and the podcasts. the future at the rate that the technology advancements are going now, in teh future the technology will be amazing.
Friday, February 16, 2007
bluezone By: Jericho
In the last few videos of bluezones they talked about the eight secrets of longevity. They talked about the food that they eat to have longevity. They eat alot of fruit and vegetables. The people that live there do not eat meat as much as we do. They save alot of there meat for celebrations.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
The peninsula.
Today theywere focusingon longevite. Then they viseted the small peninsula of costa rica.
If the shoe fits...
You wear it!! Today the bluezones team talked to a guy about his shoes, and how he has lived a long peace full life. I have noticed that every person that they have interviewed (that i can remember) has had a really strong faith, lived in peace, and mostly ate the same foods. Well I hope you have visited the site lately and see the man that man who has gone through many shoes. (I had a picture of some really cute shoes(Costa Rican too!!))
"live large,"
"live large,"
BlueZones 2-13 by Tim M.
I learned from the bluezones that a healthy life stile and steady exersize can keep you healthy. It also taught me that enof work to keep you buisy but not enof to get you stressed is more important than the money you make doing it.And that what realy matters is family.
Nicoya, Costa Rica
Today in bluezones we were supposed to work according to or rows. We divided the people into sections of the site to do the daily checks. I got to do the " Direct The Team." Today the team asked where they should go next. They gave me 3 choices, and I picked the one that sounded the best to me. Well, thats all that i have for now.
BLueZones on Tues. Febr. 13 BY JAMES
learnd about old peaple. showed us a map.shoed us there religin.showed us picturs of there familys.
Fillipe is 99 years old. Fillipe waited 18 years befor marrying his second wife, and they were together for 40 years before she died a few years ago.
Daniel W
Daniel W
Fillipe is 99 years old. Fillipe waited 18 years befor marrying his second wife, and they were together for 40 years before she died a few years ago.
Daniel W
Daniel W
Felipe was 99 years old, he also had basketball shoes but he uses them for chopping wood, clearing brush with his machete, and hunting varmits. He lives in Nicoya, Costa Rica, he got had a wife but they were never married. They were both together for 20 years until she died of tetanus. Then he married his 2nd wife which they were married for 40 years until she died.
Matt Ulrich
Matt Ulrich
Felipe was 99 years old, he also had basketball shoes but he uses them for chopping wood, clearing brush with his machete, and hunting varmits. He lives in Nicoya, Costa Rica, he got had a wife but they were never married. They were both together for 20 years until she died of tetanus. Then he married his 2nd wife which they were married for 40 years until she died.
They talked about Felipe a 99 year old mans life and how he liked a pair of shoes they also talked about how he had a job and he had to carry 80 pound bags for 12 hours each day. He was never married his first wife died of tetanus. He remarried and they were toghter for 40 year! She has just past away a few years ago. The team also talked about how they would be leaving Nicoya soon and how they would miss everyone there.
Daily Dispatch for Feb. 12
Blue Zones Daily Dispatch for Monday Feb. 12 told about Nicoya's longevity formula. It went on to say that 2 heads are better than one. It tells about a book where a professor fills a jar with 850 beans and the class guesses on how many are in the jar. The class says there are 871 beans and only one person in the class had a closer guess. It gives examples to support that 2 heards are better than one in the stock market and in the democratic system. Even in the game show "Who Wants to be a Millionaire". The people who polled the audiance got the question right 91% of the time and those who phoned a friend got the question right 65% of the time. Then it told you the 8 top things that we voted on for the reasons on Nicoya's Longevity.
1. The Water
2. Emphasizing Family
3. Having Faith
4. Eating Fruit
5. Nixtamal
6. Passion for Work
7. Having a Plan de Vida
8. Finding Happiness
This is about it for Blue Zones Daily Dispatch on Monday if you missed it.
1. The Water
2. Emphasizing Family
3. Having Faith
4. Eating Fruit
5. Nixtamal
6. Passion for Work
7. Having a Plan de Vida
8. Finding Happiness
This is about it for Blue Zones Daily Dispatch on Monday if you missed it.
Blue Zones Update-2/14/07

To begin, I would like to wish everyone a happy Valentines Day!! On Blue Zones the team finished the quest at Costa Rica on Tuesday. Beacause of this fact, I got to really explore the website. General information about the secret to longevity was obtained along with info on Costa Rica's geography. Research shows that 30% of longevity comes from genes that are giving to you, and the other 70% comes from lifestyle you choose to live. From the geo. end today I discovered that Costa Rica is a rich tropical rainforests region that is surrounded by the Caribbean Sea, Pacific Ocean, Nicaragua, and Panama. The map that is up at the top of the page may help you better understand the geography of this rainforest area. You can learn more about the secrets to longevity by going to and creating an account. So long and don't forget to have a HAPPY VALENTINES DAY.
Heidi H.
Costa Rica behind the lenes
The video showed us how they lived and that they do some stuff that we do here in the US. Like they celebrate birthdays like we do and other things. It also showed us the kinda of food they eat. during the video it played a snong that they might listen to there.
BY: Jenni forslund
BY: Jenni forslund
February 13, 2007 bluezones by Tim H.
February was their last day in Costa Rica. I wasn't able to watch the video because the video took awhile to load. So, I just read the daily dispatch and did the votes on where they would go next time. I thought that they should go to Crete because it would be a different religion (probably) then costa rica. Plus, the location is different too. Well I'm done with this blog so see ya later.
Tim Hansen(tiny).
Tim Hansen(tiny).
Bluezone Blog By colon Eler
For here i have a couple of great wonderful people, this video was about this elderly lady and her life. She is rather old.
Jessica Marvin Febuary 14,2007
Bluezones told alot about how to have longjevity (that means live a long time) i watched yesterdays video and it was just a whole bunch of pictures that they took over the whole trip, they were really cool it also showed what they learned they learned about the 5 main ways to have longjevity. they are valuating people faith plant based diet hard work and a nice lifestyle.
Friday, February 02, 2007
blog by tim
the point is about the how the researchers at bluezones are doing. They're doing very well with finding longjevity. In costa rica they are finding a lot of people over 90. They have done surveys and have figured out a lot about their history and their ways of staying healthy.
Bluezone By: Jericho
The point of bluezone is to find out what longevity is and how it works. The people who have longevity live to be 100 or more.
Bluezones so far
What is the point of Bluezones?
It is about people reaserching how people in Costa Rica live so long.
What's the message from bluezones?
The message is that reseachers in costa Rica are making movies and a lot of other stuff and puting it on for us to learn about how the people live so long.
well that is all that we have to say about If you wont to learn more just go to the website and go to all the links you are interested in.
BY: Jenni Forslund and Danielle Peter
It is about people reaserching how people in Costa Rica live so long.
What's the message from bluezones?
The message is that reseachers in costa Rica are making movies and a lot of other stuff and puting it on for us to learn about how the people live so long.
well that is all that we have to say about If you wont to learn more just go to the website and go to all the links you are interested in.
BY: Jenni Forslund and Danielle Peter
Hey peoples!!! is an awsome website that that goes surching for a "myth". this round they are finding the source of longivity. if you go there you can see the movie of what they did today, vote how to solve a delma, a mystery photo, and more!!
I hope you visit it, you'll really like it.
nrowe is an awsome website that that goes surching for a "myth". this round they are finding the source of longivity. if you go there you can see the movie of what they did today, vote how to solve a delma, a mystery photo, and more!!
I hope you visit it, you'll really like it.
Blue Zones So Far By: Heidi and Jennie
Blue Zones in now visiting Costa Rica and is still trying to solve the mystery to longevity. Today we learned how the water might be linked to this. The reason being that it is rich in calcium. Other days this week have explained why their taco shells may also be a key to longevity. Having a purpose for tommorrow may assist in having a longer life. The message of this site is to discover how you can live longer.
Heidi and Jennie
Heidi and Jennie
The point of BlueZones is so we can see what they are doing and try to discover why they are living longer in that part of the world. To tech that people can live long if you take care of yourself over a long period of time.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Jessica Marvin January 25,2006
hey guys
today Mrs morrow told us how to make a really good powerpoint. to make it look good and not sloppy she showed us a really ]
good power point and how to use it correctly
she gave us work time to do power point and other things like that
we have to interview a person and make a power point on the tecnology they use
coming from
today Mrs morrow told us how to make a really good powerpoint. to make it look good and not sloppy she showed us a really ]
good power point and how to use it correctly
she gave us work time to do power point and other things like that
we have to interview a person and make a power point on the tecnology they use
coming from
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
January 23, 2007

Today we began by having some free time. During this time we could either work on our songs in GarageBand or work on our 60 sec. commercials for NETA. Jennie and I are the only ones that chose to create a project for NETA. The topic is The Winning Ticket. During are free time, Mrs. Morrow prepared a presentation to show us about power point design. From this we learned how colors blend together and how to not use to many colors on each slide. Out of Tech Trends the JH Boys play Valentine. We would like to wish you good luck.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2007
Hi, Today we are working on our Isafe packets. The Isafe packet deals with alot of sutff, for example how to keep safe from online predators. For example, we learned not to give out any personal information at all, Credit Card numbers, home phone work phone numbers, street adress. So we all hope we could share this info with all of you people that chat on IM places or in chat rooms. So you can all still be safe but still be able to have fun. Thank you for reading my post :)!
blog by tim
Hello, this is "Tiny" Tim.Today Mrs. Morrow told us that next week we are going to do interviews on people with jobs that have progressed in technology. I dont know who I'm going to interview, but I'll figure out something. I wish I had more, but there's not much were doing today except mess around and go on garageband. Well I'm going to the game tonight, hopefully we win. My next game is at the high school gym and were playing Valentine. They have more people than the last teams we played so more players will go to the game. So more people will be happy and the team might be better with more people there so they can rest. Well, that's all for me. See yah all later.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
January 18, 2007
Today we when't over our isafe Drivers test. Then we presented what we learned on the macbooks that we didn't know before. At first we were having some troble with the projector and the smart board.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
January 11, 07
Today i learned that the presedent ordered more troops in irag, then today in technoledgy we learned about garage band and how to mickes music and sounds have a grate day.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Daily Blogger By Jericho January 10,2007
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
January 9, 2007 by Jennie
To start off the day in technology class a few of us finished up our comic lifes and printed them. Then once everyone was done with that and we got the computer to work we looked at somethings that Mrs. Morrow could do with the computers. She then told us that today we were going to do a Meet My Macbook packet. The Meet My Macbook packet shows you how to take care of the macbooks. By Friday this week we have to find something on the macbooks that we didn't know about, and show it to the class. She also told us about blog entries and that I was the first one that would have to post a blog for today that told about what we did in class. So thats whats going on in tech. class today. Other news is that the 8th grade girls started their tournament team in basketball. We had our first practice last night. This year we are going to be in a lot more tournaments than we have been in past years. We are all excited about that. This is all the news for now in tech. class.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
1)At my house all I have for technology at my house is a playstation, computer, T.V. ,CD player, DVD player, and a microwave.
2)I can do power points, I don't know how to do a pod cast.
3)I think that in the future there will hats with built in mp3 players, shoes with rockets that will help you run faster.
2)I can do power points, I don't know how to do a pod cast.
3)I think that in the future there will hats with built in mp3 players, shoes with rockets that will help you run faster.
1)mp3 player cd player tv dvd player
2)good on enternet ,word dont now how to post web page.
3) We will have electronic cars. With ipod insted of cd players.
2)good on enternet ,word dont now how to post web page.
3) We will have electronic cars. With ipod insted of cd players.
Assignment 1
1) The tech access that I have is a computer, digital camera, television, nintendo, mp3 player, and a dvd player.
2) I don't have the best tech proficiency but I do know how to work with some things like powerpoints. I also know how to type. I would like to learn how to create more things in powerpoint and in podcasts.
3) My prediction for the future is that I think everyone will have a lot more technology and a lot of things will be even simpiler than they are now. I think that when we are older mp3 players and ipods will be found in everyones shoes. I think that GPS will be in every car.
2) I don't have the best tech proficiency but I do know how to work with some things like powerpoints. I also know how to type. I would like to learn how to create more things in powerpoint and in podcasts.
3) My prediction for the future is that I think everyone will have a lot more technology and a lot of things will be even simpiler than they are now. I think that when we are older mp3 players and ipods will be found in everyones shoes. I think that GPS will be in every car.
technologey with me!!
Tech access :I have a(n); ipod, tv, dvd, phone, cell phone, ihome, computure, pens & penciles, microwave, digi camra, calculator, boombox, Expodition, blowdryer, humidafire, vacume,remote, typewriter, & dryer.
Tech proficiency(a): I'm good at; typeing, shopping on the web, finding things on the web, working on the computure, doing powerpoint, takeing and developing pictures, and up and downloding different programs.
tech proficiency(b): i want to learn; how to pod cast, how to make my power points better, and how to do things i will need in the future.
Prediction for the future:I think the tech in the future will be; people will be able to go long distanses faster.
Tech proficiency(a): I'm good at; typeing, shopping on the web, finding things on the web, working on the computure, doing powerpoint, takeing and developing pictures, and up and downloding different programs.
tech proficiency(b): i want to learn; how to pod cast, how to make my power points better, and how to do things i will need in the future.
Prediction for the future:I think the tech in the future will be; people will be able to go long distanses faster.
Jenni forslund
#1. PS2, T.V, computer, digital camera, video camera, iPod, phone, cell phone, stereo, palms.
#2. I am really good at using tech.
#3. houses would clean themselves and make your meals for you.
#2. I am really good at using tech.
#3. houses would clean themselves and make your meals for you.
1)Ipod,Computer,TV,dvd player,VCR,phone
2)I'm ok with power points I don't know how to make an Imovie or any thing like that
3)Shoes with tv in them, Coats turn into an Airplane
2)I'm ok with power points I don't know how to make an Imovie or any thing like that
3)Shoes with tv in them, Coats turn into an Airplane
Tech Tools
1. I have access to computers, T.V., dvd players, video games, cell phone, microwave, vcr, mp3 player, phone, cd player, humidifier, vaccum, remote, dryer, calculator.
2. I'm Good at researching, and emailing, powerpoints.
3. I would like to learn how to make podcasts.
2. I'm Good at researching, and emailing, powerpoints.
3. I would like to learn how to make podcasts.
Matt Ulrich's answers
1) I use computers, Television, Pals, video games, VCR, Pinball machines, dvd player, keyboard, a digital camera ,a Ipod, and cell phones
2) Im good at making power points, and typing. I also want to learn how to do podcasting.
3) Flying Cars, phones in your shoes, and cell phones that don't need charged
2) Im good at making power points, and typing. I also want to learn how to do podcasting.
3) Flying Cars, phones in your shoes, and cell phones that don't need charged
3 Questions By:Mollie
1) I use computers, televsion, dvd player, video games, VCR, pinball machines, keyboard, digital camera, labtop, Stereo
2) I know how to use the: Powerpoint, kinda podcasting, I want to learn to how to make my own web. I'm good at typing
3) A refrigerator that could read your mind, nothing will have batteries and they will have to charge things, cars without gas,robots,
2) I know how to use the: Powerpoint, kinda podcasting, I want to learn to how to make my own web. I'm good at typing
3) A refrigerator that could read your mind, nothing will have batteries and they will have to charge things, cars without gas,robots,
assignment 1
1. The kinds of tech. I own include a computer, palm, TV, mp3 player, playstation, dvd player, playstation, portable dvd player, and a digital camera.
2. I have made powerpoints, web pages, i movie, and podcast. I also know how to use word, sketchy, garage band, the internet, e-mail, msn messenger. I have also used smartboards and macs.
I would like to learn how to post a podcast on the web and get better at making a webpage.
3. In the future I predict that things will be a lot more advanced. Some of the tech. we use today will not even be known. One thing that might be common that not many people have today is having a GPS system in there car telling them exactly when to turn.
2. I have made powerpoints, web pages, i movie, and podcast. I also know how to use word, sketchy, garage band, the internet, e-mail, msn messenger. I have also used smartboards and macs.
I would like to learn how to post a podcast on the web and get better at making a webpage.
3. In the future I predict that things will be a lot more advanced. Some of the tech. we use today will not even be known. One thing that might be common that not many people have today is having a GPS system in there car telling them exactly when to turn.
assignment 1
1. The kinds of tech. I own include a computer, palm, TV, mp3 player, playstation, dvd player, playstation, portable dvd player, and a digital camera.
2. I have made powerpoints, web pages, i movie, and podcast. I also know how to use word, sketchy, garage band, the internet, e-mail, msn messenger. I have also used smartboards and macs.
I would like to learn how to post a podcast on the web and get better at making a webpage.
3. In the future I predict that things will be a lot more advanced. Some of the tech. we use today will not even be known. One thing that might be common that not many people have today is having a GPS system in there car telling them exactly when to turn.
2. I have made powerpoints, web pages, i movie, and podcast. I also know how to use word, sketchy, garage band, the internet, e-mail, msn messenger. I have also used smartboards and macs.
I would like to learn how to post a podcast on the web and get better at making a webpage.
3. In the future I predict that things will be a lot more advanced. Some of the tech. we use today will not even be known. One thing that might be common that not many people have today is having a GPS system in there car telling them exactly when to turn.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Welcome to OPS 8th Grade Technolody Trends- 3rd Quarter!
Welcome 3rd Quarter Students!
For your first blog post and first assignment I would like everyone to create a post that tells the class at least three things:
1) Your current access to technology
(What tech tools do you own? )
2) Your current tech proficiency
(What skills are you strong at? What would you like to learn more about?)
3) Your prediction for technology in the future
(What tools and skills do you think will be commonplace and necessary when you are out in the real world workforce after graduation?)
You may try some formatting or adding an image, but MAKE SURE that you spell check before publishing your post!
If you finish early you may read previous posts to the blog from students during the first two quarters of 8th grade Technology Trends.
For your first blog post and first assignment I would like everyone to create a post that tells the class at least three things:
1) Your current access to technology
(What tech tools do you own? )
2) Your current tech proficiency
(What skills are you strong at? What would you like to learn more about?)
3) Your prediction for technology in the future
(What tools and skills do you think will be commonplace and necessary when you are out in the real world workforce after graduation?)
You may try some formatting or adding an image, but MAKE SURE that you spell check before publishing your post!
If you finish early you may read previous posts to the blog from students during the first two quarters of 8th grade Technology Trends.
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