Sunday, November 26, 2006

Wednesday, November 22, by Mrs. Morrow

I'll start with my current event in technology. Many of you may have played "Bejeweled" or "Bookworm" on the Palm last year. This article : is about the creators of these two palm games called "Casual Games." I have also heard recently that these same games can be downloaded to video ipods... for a fee, of course. That is what the article is about... simple, easy-working, stress-relieving games that you can play on portable electronics. The article said how successful they are recently, and the company said that it is because they don't get stuck on fancy graphics or sounds, but rather focus on a game that works and plays well. I know that even I love a good old fashioned game of Tetris every once in awhile to relieve stress!

Last Wednesday in class we were able to tie up several loose ends, starting with the remainder of our presentations about "Technology in the Real World." I learned some neat things-- from that handy doodad that UPS guys carry around to an amazing assistive technology device that Kelcey's mom uses to help her get around. I also learned about a brand of Twinkie-like cakes and stuff in Mexico that Anahi's brother drives truck for. Andrew, Matt, and Ashley all still need to share their Powerpoints and those will be due next FRIDAY.

We had a little bit of time to actually work on whatever we chose, as we will not start producing our podcast productions until Monday after Thanksgiving. I am excited to see what topics students choose for their first podcasts and ready for them to once again amaze me with their creativity and quick-learning in Garage Band.

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving Break! Only 3 1/2 weeks until Christmas!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Tuesday, November 21, by Mrs. Morrow

Today we spent the first half of class putting the finishing touches on our PowerPoint presentations entitled, "Technology in the Real World." I was happy that most of the students chose some interesting people to interview. We had a variety of professions, from teachers to the medical profession, from agriculture to office workers. Students began sharing their presentations to the rest of the class. I could see good design principles put to use such as: similar color schemes and background templates to give the presentation consistency, no more than 4 colors per slide, keeping bulleted text short and simple (not writing too much text on a slide), and using transitions and animations with purpose. I want to encourage the students not to read their slides word-for-word, but rather, to add in personal insight and added information with a relaxed, informative quality to the speaking. No one really did anything more than was asked in the project. But we still have about half of the class to view tomorrow, so maybe someone will still impress me!

I'll tell you one thing that DID impress me... it was the patriotic collages that the class created and shared at the Veteran's Day program last week. Very Cool!! Here is Sam's just to give you a sample of the creative work the 8th graders are doing.

For our second time around the class for the blog post assignment, the students will still be required to write about what they learned during that day's class, as well as any outside information that they care to share. However, they will also be required to reposrt on one current event in the field of technology. They can get the information from the news and radio around them or they can choose to do some internet research. I have bookmarked several sites on our class delicious web links at:

My choice of current event technology article for today can be found at:,127796/article.html
Microsoft's brand-new operating system (OS) named Windows Vista, will be available for consumer purchase on January 30. I saw a demonstration of Vista this past summer and it looked pretty sweet. It is supposed to be the most stable Windows OS thus far and they have been working on releasing it for quite awhile. If you want to buy a new computer now, you may be able to get an upgrade voucher to get it when it comes out. Office Vista is pretty impressive as well... you may be able to find its new features online in a news article as well.

Well, we are mid-way through another quarter of OPS Technology Trends. Mid-term reports are being sent home today and I have to say that this group of 8th graders are doing very well. I look forward to continuing to explore and expand our horizons with the technology trends of today and the future.

Matt's Blog about Monday, Nov. 20

Yesterday we were in the highschool library for technoligy trends class. We talked about podcasts and how we were going to make them later in the quarter. Then we looked at ones made by other kids from last quarter. We also talked about showing our powerpoints about technoligy in the real world. Thats all folks.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Friday, November 17,2006 by Nathan W.

On Friday, we finished up on our powerpoints in class about the person we interviewed. We put animations and actions to objects on our powerpoints. Over the weekend Nebraska had a bye and Denver played San Diego and lost 35-27. Indianapolis lost to the Cowboys. So for now, So long.

Nathan W.

Friday, November 17, 2006

november 16 by alejandro vergara

Yesturday we were talking about the kindergarden powerpoints
and mrs. morrow was cheking if we had our interviews done.
We went to a wrestling tournament were 11 towns competed,
and O'neill got 108 points. The only one that got 1st in the O'neill
team was nathen wabs.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

November 15th by Paige

Yesterday we did powerpoints on someone we interviewed. I interviewed Mr. Gary Hostert. A teacher at OHS. I asked him questions on how he used technology in his life and for his job, Then I took that information and put it into a powerpoint. The other kids also did this. Some interviewed their moms, dads, uncles, aunts and some others. After school I went to basketball practice. Then I went home and did some homework. Well that's all for now!


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

November 14, 2006 by Dustin

Today Mrs. Morrow taught us a little bit more about Microsoft Power Point. We started making the power points for the kindergarteners again, because yesterday we were in the library, therefore we couldn't save them. We have to interview someone in the real world that uses technology in their job. I think I will be interviewing my dad, he must use a lot of technology in his job for like the vinyl cutting and all of that. That's pretty much all we did in class, but today we are wrestling at 4:00 pm. Good Luck to all of te wrestling boys!

November 13, 2006 by Ashlea

Today in class we learned what to do and what not to do when you make a power point, then to practice we started to make little power points for the kindergardeners. We were in the library though so we won't have those power points tomorrow, we'll probably have to start over, but thats ok. well I am gonna go make a power point for the little kids bye bye.
by: Ashlea

November 13, 2006 by Ashlea

Today in class we learned what to do and what not to do when you make a power point, then to practice we started to make little power points for the kindergardeners. We were in the library though so we won't have those power points tomorrow, we'll probably have to start over, but thats ok. well I am gonna go make a power point for the little kids bye bye.
by: Ashlea

Friday, November 10, 2006


Today is finally Friday and we are working on are "photoshop elements" some people are done, and some aren't.
Some other people are using "garage band" and some are finishing "photo elements"
Photo elements is a fun program where you can do fun stuff.
Mrs Morrow is helping Sam with her Macbook,

Thursday, November 09, 2006

November 8, 2006 by Andrew Knapp

Today in 8th grade Tech Trends we learned about Photoshop Elements and shared some things we learned about our Macbooks.
Then 2 tests and plenty of homework. Outside school we play 21. Me and my friends play fantasy football. I stayed and played longer than the other guys but I practice because we are close to basketball seaeson and i am goin out for basketball and need to be good. there were no good football games on none that i liked anyway. This is Andrew signing out bye.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

November 4,2006 by Josh Hoferer

On Friday we finished up our meet our Mac Book packet and then we messed around with garage band. Then we had to find something new with the Mac Book to present on Monday. Then on Saturday I went to Lincoln to the Nebraska Missouri game. Nebraska won 34-20.

November 6,2006 By Emily Keyes

Yesterday in technology trend we had to find something new about the Mac books that Mrs didn't teach us. It was really easy because there is so much things that are new to us on the Mac books. There wear a lot of things that we didn't no. It was really fun just adventuring with the Mac books we also learned about a new project that we are doing photo shop elements about patriotism. We got to review some of the projects that fifth graders did they were really great.

Friday, November 03, 2006

November 2 sammi hammi

Today in class some people worked on a commercial, worked on their "Meet my Macbook" worksheet packets, and worked on their comic life (like Josh). The "Meet my Macbook" worksheet packets are supposed to help us learn about things on the Macbook that we didn't know. I think you know about the comic life but I'll tell you anyways. The comic life is a comic book about our life. For example say that you just met some one you should be able to hand them the comic book, without saying a word, and they should be able to see what your into and what some of your charicteristics are like. Anyways what was really fun in class was watching Mrs. Morrow film the commercial. Morgan, the conciler, was helping Nathan, the smart board, and Matt, the chalk board, sort through thier problems with each other. The commercial is based off of a PC vs. Macbook commercial, but we just used a Smart Board vs. Chalk Board theme instead. Mrs. Morrow did this commercial with us and some 5th graders. She is planning on entering it in a competition. See ya around.
sammi hammi

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

november 1st by daniel dominquez

Today in first period we worked in our comic life and alejandro wanted to go to the restrom burt he forgot his planner and asked daniel d if he coul let him borrow his planner but mrs.morrow said could not it does not work that way. so alejandro had to hold it. And then Mrs.morrow gave us a work sheet package to do at home. When school was over blake,beau,cody,alejandro,tim,and I were playing basketball after school.