Happy Halloween Everyone!!! Today in Technology Class we finished learning about Isafe and how to be smart and stay safe while using the internet. We learned about things such as spamming and identity theft, and how to prevent things like this and other things that can happen on the internet from happening to us. We also started a new assignment called "Meet My Macbook." For this assignment we have to answer questions about how our Macbooks work and we also have to find one thing about the Macbook that we didn't know it could do.
Outside of Technology Class today, in American History today, we continued our studies about the colonies and things also happening in England at this time. We also did some Halloween trivia. In English we continued talking about complex sentences, in science we had a vocab test, and in Math we did problem set 37. After school some of the girls had basketball practice, some of the boys had wrestling practice, and everyone else, that's not in a sport, went to P.E.
So I hope everyone had a fun Halloween!! Until next time!! ~Morgan