Thursday, August 31, 2006

Sheila: Friday September 1st, 2006

now here at O'Neill Public Schools, we are getting ready for a huge technology contest. Everyone is working very hard to make it there best! We are very excited to enter the contest called TTL- this years theme is technology in the future. The winner gets to go to Dallas, Texas. we got our gaggle emails today.



Yay I get to write the second Blog for OHS 8 Grade Tech Trends! Alright maybe it is not that exiting for the second person to do it... Well on Tuesday for Football we had our first full pads practice for 8 and 7 grades, was very fun. That was an offence day so tomarrow will be a defence day. School before football practice on Tuesday was boring/normal ( Sorry all teachers), anyway got to go now. Talk to you later.

Sidney's Blog

Today in Tech. Class we learned about how people found new things about the MacBook. Its amazing how people can find little things about these new Mac Books which are REALLY cool!! we took pictures of everything, from funny faces to ourselves. Our class is doing a Technology iMovie for a contest. We have small groups that make a imovie about how computer can be affected in the future. Thanks for reading my blog!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Randys blog

Yay i get the privalage of typing the first blog post! The school just bought us these cool mac laptops (they're soooo white!) We've just started this technology class with Mrs. Morrow and so far i've been using alot of programs and websites that i've never used before. I'm still getting used to using a mac though, all of the programs that im used to using on windows are not on macs. Later in the year we get to make an imovie for technology trends and social studies, killing two birds with one stone, really. Im kind of excited about using imovie because ive never used it before and alot of the programs on macs are easy to use. Well, thats about all!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Welcome to our Class Blog!

We are off to a super start for the 2006-2007 school year at O'Neill Public School. Each quarter a group of 8th grade students will be participating in a "Technology Trends" course. We will share what we learn and accomplish each day through our class blog, written by us: O'Neill Public 8th grade students. Armed with our brand new Macbooks, we are ready to explore and experience technology of all kinds. Learn and grow with us as we experience the latest and greatest in the world of technology and use it to help expand our horizons for today and tomorrow.